
real-time physics simulation

Home Features


Soft-Body dynamics can be simulated with two different method. Both method are based on continuum elasticity theory. They support plasticity (permanent deformation).

- Finite Element Method

Finite element implicit solver is mainly based on the corotational  tetrahedral finite element formulation.

- Mesh Free method

Mesh free implicit solver is based on a SPH (Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics). The speed of calculation is lower compared with the finite element method and It’s not as accurate as finite element. The advantage of this method is that no tetrahedral mesh is required for the simulation and this makes this method suitable for cutting simulation.


Collision handling and response:

Collision handling and response between Soft Body vs Rigid Body and Soft Body vs Soft Body are managed with a constraint based technique.


CPU parallelization and Vectorization

Soft-body and collision constraint solvers run concurrently in a task based parallelism scaling the workload to the available CPU(s).

SSE intrinsics instructions are used to speed up vector math computation in the solvers.